Measurand’s SAA Simulator (SAASim) is a low-cost device that allows users to verify, test, and train with Data Logger programs and DAS without requiring a physical ShapeArray.
Measurand’s SAA Simulator (SAASim), is designed to provide a low-cost method to verify your data logger systems. The SAASim can simulate one or several ShapeArrays at a time, allowing you to verify your logging system—both the hardware and software—when access to physical ShapeArrays are not available. After purchase, it is not uncommon for ShapeArrays to be in transit or located at a site away from the office where the logger system is configured before going out to the field. The SAASim is a affordable way to verify Data Loggers and Earth Stations in a controlled-environment.
The data provided by SAASim is not calibrated and therefore is of limited use for testing subsequent data processing software and should be used only to verify your logger hardware and program work.
Related products: SAAF, SAAScan, SAAX, SAA232-5